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Message to Mohamed Elbassiouni

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Mohamed Elbassiouni - Arab lawyer in Toronto ON

Mohamed Elbassiouni

Goodman Elbassiouni LLP
(905) 265-1005
(905) 265-1005

Practice Areas

About Mohamed Elbassiouni

Mohamed Elbassiouni is a Personal Injury Lawyer and heads up the Accident Benefits team with a special interest in cases involving catastrophic impairment.

Mohamed’s practice is devoted to accident benefits claims on behalf of injured accident victims.

He has conducted numerous arbitration hearings before The Financial Services Commission of Ontario, ADR, and the LAT. During his career, Mohamed has successfully won cases for his clients at the Arbitration and Appeal levels.

Mohamed has worked on cases that were before Divisional Courts and the Ontario Court of Appeal.

He has more than 15 years of accident benefits experience. He is committed to helping those who have been treated unfairly and unreasonably denied their benefits by insurance companies.

He completed his Master of Law (LL.M) at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. He holds a Certificate in Adjudication for Administrative Agencies, Boards & Tribunals.

Mohamed believes that when you understand the law, you can better apply it to serve your clients. He believes that it is the needs of his clients and their long-term quality of life that are central, above all else. Mohamed has helped injured victims resolve many complex cases over his career.




Skill: Conversational Lawyer
Skill: Conversational Lawyer


York University, Osgoode Hall Law School Masters Law 2017


Primary Office Location

pin 190 Attwell Drive, Suite 300 Toronto Canada M9W 6H8

pin (905) 265-1005

Office Location 1

pin 1063 McNicoll Ave., Suite 100 Scarborough Canada M1W 3W6

pin (905) 265-1005


Social Media

Facebook page for Mohamed Elbassiouni - Arab attorney in Instagram page for Mohamed Elbassiouni - Arab attorney in LinkedIn page for Mohamed Elbassiouni - Arab attorney in Twitter page for Mohamed Elbassiouni - Arab attorney in Instagram page for Mohamed Elbassiouni - Arab attorney in
Message Mohamed Elbassiouni
(905) 265-1005